Made To Order

Our factories in UK and US, are homes to Crane’s Centre of Excellence. It’s here that we create, design, manufacture and test every machine in our award-winning portfolio.

We make every machine to order, no exceptions.

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Welcome To Our Factories

Since 4th July 1855 when R.T. Crane founded Crane Co, manufacturing has been at the heart of every Crane business. Pioneering and visionary, R.T. Crane established a business that sought to continuously drive improvement both in its products and its processes; today we call this the Crane Business System.

Guided by the R.T. Crane Resolution, we are rightly proud of the quality of every product that we make and ship.

We invite all our customers to visit us, meet the team who manufacture the products and, of course, enjoy an excellent cup of coffee at the end of the Factory Experience!